Ethnography Prevention

Cultural Practice of At-Risk People of Colorectal Cancer and Risk Reduction in Indonesia: An Ethnographic Study

Looking at health behaviors in context of culture

  • Ethnography in Indonesia -> Community-based risk reduction
    • Low + middle income countries have rising incidence of colorectal cancer (aging population + sedentary lifestyle, westernized behavior lifestyle)
      • Does westernized behavior necessarily correlate with cancer? And how so? (dangers of the simplified model of civilization = cancer and primitivism = safe from cancer -> How Color Crossed the Cancer Line book)
      • Cultural influences on health beliefs/values/behaviors
  • CRC screening less supported in Asia (equipments + specialists costs)
  • Data collected from observation, interviews, focus group discussions, thematic analysis

  • Themes:
    • Food preparation (cook freshly rather than refrigerate)
    • Food cooking (low sodium salt and limit flavor additives)
    • Food consumption (Padang cuisine, canned food/beverages)
    • Physical activity (lots of walking, fishing)
    • Health checks (some are skeptical of health services)
    • Alternative treatments (some use traditional herbs, propolis, massage, coining)
    • Controlling health risk behaviors (many are active smokers including children)
    • Cancer information (gain info from internet and social media, but lack understanding of cancer risk prevention)
    • Self health status (if health = no need for examinations)

  • Certain cultural foods contain ingredients associated w/ cancer + spicy food consumption has inconsistent associations w/ cancer
  • Exercise behavior dependent on finances and time
  • Jamu-> traditional medicine -> cultural habit although there is no research on its usefulness
  • Delays on diagnosis/treatment -> traditional healers seen as first choice
  • Familial habits of smoking extended to children

“Herbs are medications consisting of natural compounds which have been proved and are rather better than generic medication”

Male participant, 32 years old
  • Reflections/questions:
    • Need cross-sectoral strategies and collaborations between academia, gov, providers, etc…
    • Community empowerment = important in building understanding health behaviors and risk reduction
    • Culture informs health behaviors which informs cancer risk
    • How do individuals in a community receive health information? What are some ways to better engage them while keeping in mind cultural influences?

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