Health Disparities Young People, Screening, Prevention, and Diagnosis

More Young People Are Dying of Colon Cancer

X-ray of a colon showing a tumor constriction
  • Spike in colorectal cancer rates among younger Americans
    • Not due to earlier detection and diagnoses -> mortality rates are rising from previous decades

“This is not merely a phenomenon of picking up more small cancers… There is something else going on that’s truly important.”

Dr. Thomas Weber,
  • Researchers are not exactly sure why, but there are speculations:
    • There is a study that found prolonged antibiotics use in adulthood to be associated with greater risk for precancerous polyps -> antibiotics alter gut bacteria
    • Younger people have polyps that are harder to see and remove during colonoscopies
  • Policy changes?
    • Expanding universal screening -> more controversial and costly -> question: are we making young people go thru screening for no reason?
    • Frequent complications from. colonoscopies -> other testing options encouraged
    • Concerns over false positives and negatives
  • Reflections/questions:
    • The statistics and findings of the new study reflect higher death rates rather than just earlier detection and diagnosis, which challenge the common, long-held myth that cancer is a disease of the old, which is explored often in our class readings, specifically Jain’s book.
    • In the context of screening and detection, the article raises the importance of screening for younger generations and new risk  factors previously unknown to the common population.
    • How can we examine the issue of earlier screening and factor in young people’s increasing burden of cancer?

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