Art Illness in Media

Experiences With Cancer, Captured in Works of Art

Time-bomb art work inspired by Grace Lombardo’s “Grancer” blog.

Intertwining community, art, and illness: Cancer, interpreted and made visible

  • Done during COVID-19 -> social networking effort by Twist Out Cancer -> program called Brushes With Cancer pairing patients with artists to capture cancer experiences
  • The program also address the fear, anguish, and isolation/loneliness of cancer

Juliet R. Harrison sent me an art object that made the darkness visible. She had gutted the book — cut into its cover, torn out most of its pages — and then sutured it back together with splints, paste, fragmented words and wire. Broken, hollowed and rebound, it concretized the evisceration I had tried to protest.

Susan Gubar, speaking about her cancer memoir being rendered into an art piece.
  • Reflections:
    • Experiences are turned into storytelling which are then made physical through art
    • Transformative capacity of multimedia portrayals
    • Having someone else interpret cancer patients’ stories through art can be therapeutic and illuminating -> the patient can see their own stories and experiences reflected through someone else’ eyes -> the artist, while an outsider to the cancer experience, can act as a mirror to the patient

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