Chemo Patient Experiences Side effects Treatment and Side Effects

Folfox and Oxaliplatin Induced Neuropathy

Seven months since ending Folfox and my oxaliplatin induced neuropathy isn’t getting better.

  • Neuropathy could be permanent
  • Others had it dissipate at 18 months or so
  • Vitamin B, lyrica, Gabapentin, and supplements as helpful, and other coping mechanisms such as hand warmers, socks and specific types of shoes
  • Reflections/questions:
    • How can alternative medicine and other types of alternative healing help cancer survivors?
    • There should be more structured post-chemo care for survivors and more long-term follow up, as many people have permanent body disfigurements, disabilities, and other changes
Chemo Patient Experiences Side effects Social Media Treatment and Side Effects

N.E.D Today!

N.E.D = No Evidence of Disease (Cancer free)

  • A Reddit thread composed of a survivor’s POV discussing that he’s cancer free
    • r/coloncancer also composes of other posts and comments regarding colon cancer experiences
    • Community building and helpful for sharing advice, experiences and to ask for help/support
  • CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker and its levels are very low + clear scans -> N.E.D status
  • Side effects of XELOX chemo: hair thinning, intolerance to cold, nail shedding, neuropathy in hands/feet, short term memory retention issues
    • Neuropathy can last 18-24 months
  • Reflections/questions:
    • It seems that many cancer patients are very familiar with scientific and complex biomedical terminology (overall in the r/coloncancer thread) -> is this common for many patients of other cancer types?
      • Importance of agency and communications/understanding as a cancer patient
    • Neuropathy as common side effect -> Should be studied more in research
      • Other side effects of chemo and radiation should also be given more attention to
    • Community and support groups as very helpful and therapeutic to many colon cancer patients