Biology and Research Treatment

UConn Immunology Researcher Unraveling Relationship Between Cytokines and Colorectal Cancer

  • Cytokines = proteins which play important role in cell signaling (IL-17 cytokines promote inflammation -> drive tumor growth on colon -> colon cancer)
  • Professor Wang discovered removing IL-17 signaling on regulatory T cells (Tregs) increase colon tumor development
    • Tregs = often recruited to tumors, hinder body’s ability to impede tumor growth
    • IL-17 has site specific inhibition
Colon tumor under fluorescent microscopy.

This means IL-17 inhibits Tregs that would otherwise suppress cancer immunosurveillance while also inhibiting the attraction of T cells that would perform this function. These findings illuminate the complicated role of IL-17 in colorectal cancer and showcase the need for further investigation.
  • Reflections/questions:
    • Implications on altered functions of immune system during cancer + microenvironment and site specific inhibition
    • How does this play a role in metastasis?
    • Site specific inhibition may help with more precise treatments
    • Complicated relationships between cytokines and cancer

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