Academic Care and Recovery Patient Experiences

Emotion Work During Colorectal Cancer Treatments

  • Silence -> seen as ‘not getting upset in front of each other’ -> preserves relationships in CRC oncology clinic
    • Silence as relational form of moral work that preserves others’ well-being
  • Studies show a lot of emotional distress among patients with and beyond CRC
    • 1/5 people affected by CRC has a post-cancer diagnosis of depression
  • Emotion work in surface acting vs. deep acting
    • Embodied emotional experiences and the performative role of emotions
  • The study follows participants through treatment pathway until there was no evidence of disease in their bodies or referred to hospices
    • Some focus on pragmatism/practicality rather than emotions
    • Many manage expressions of emotions continuously in front of others
  • Nurses are cognizant of emotional texture of cancer treatments

“We just try to open it up and give them an opportunity to talk about [what they are feeling]. It is often letting them be cross, or to be angry, or to be frustrated, because all are logical and normal emotions to have during cancer treatments”

A Filipina senior chemotherapy nurse.
  • Staff and health professionals also have to do some emotional labor -> keeping boundaries and maintaining balance between distance and closeness to patients while keeping their emotional peace
    • Nurses are expected to connect with patients to do emotional labor in contrast to physicians, many of whom decided to pursue a ‘happier’ field
  • Many patients in the CRC support group disclosed the need to do emotion work as to not ‘burden others’ in fear of damaging relationships with others
    • The relatives also experience this fear of being a burden
  • Existing norms surrounding emotional management of relatives -> to not be upset because expressing it would impact their loved ones

Silence: reconsidered as relational practice of moral work, not maladaptive coping behavior

  • Reflections/questions:
    • Silence as moral relational work connects to

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