Academic Communications and public perception Illness in Media Literature

Persuasive Effects of Linguistic Agency Assignments and Point of View in Narrative Health Messages About Colon Cancer

  • Communications surrounding, or about colon cancer, and how linguistic agency and point of view impacts narrative force.
  • Agentic language impacts people’s perception of the severity of health threats
    • Perceived susceptibility to colon cancer is highest when agency is assigned to people, not cancer.
    • Ex: ‘I developed cancer’ vs. ‘Cancer developed in me’
  • Use of temporal agency language in health messages -> assigning temporal agency to death rather than dying person -> greater fear
  • Possible: messages in narrative forms can transport readers to narrative world regardless of POV
    • Super important as it plays into cancer patients and survivors’ storytelling- it doesn’t all have to be in first person POV as long as the narrative form is there
  • Reflections/questions:
    • Important implications of health communication strategy especially in public health campaigns, social media marketing by corporations, and patient-doctor communications and messaging.
    • Affirms narrative power of storytelling by cancer patients and survivors -> to the level of sentence + word choice
    • How can this study and further research address Jain’s criticism of health messaging and language surrounding survivorship in media and popular culture?

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