Art Illness in Media

A Colon Cancer Survivor Posed As Famous Figures In Incredible Photo Shoot To Obliterate The Shame Of Her Stoma Bag

Sarah Mills posing as Marilyn Monroe while spotlighting her stoma bag.
  • Stigma and shame/embarrassment following installment of stoma bag post-surgery
    • Stoma bag/ colostomy bag: pouch that fits over stoma and collects urine + feces to divert flow from bowel or bladder
  • Mills survived stage 3 cancer and wanted to embrace the outcome of the surgery fully, posing as iconic figures while keeping a spotlight for her stoma bag instead of hiding it

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Yes, it will change your body but it’s not anything that you can’t overcome.”


  • Reflections:
    • Colon cancer, compared to others, isn’t as talked about or present in media or the larger public conversations.
      • Indignity of symptoms, post-surgery outcomes viewed as embarrassing and awkward to mention
    • When thinking of cancer, people often think of breast, cervical and ovarian cancer and don’t think of cancers of lung, colon, prostate, liver or stomach- deem to be less common and harder to diagnose as intestinal disorders
      • Visibility as important in both medical sphere and non-medical sphere -> representation brings attention and consequently changes

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